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Вісник Маріупольського державного університету
Серія: Економіка
Bulletin of Mariupol State University. Series: Economics
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Випуск 19 [12]
Випуск 20 [15]
Вісник Маріупольського державного університету – Сер. : Економіка. – 2020. – Вип. 20. – С. 1-113.
Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Ekonomìka, 20
  • Сайт Маріупольського державного університету
  • Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія
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    Negru Ion Constantin, Negru Radu Ion
    Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Сер. : Економіка. – 2020. – Вип. 20. – С. 1-117.

    Negru Ion Constantin
    PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate professor, Department of Management
    Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
    [email protected]

    Negru Radu Ion
    4th year student, Tourism specialty
    National College of Commerce of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
    [email protected]

    The interdependence between production management and logistics

    DOI 10.34079/2226-2822-2020-10-20-25-30

    [ download pdf ]


    Modern trends in production management have increased the importance of the time factor in both production and logistics. However, there is much less room for maneuver in production than in logistics. Therefore, to reduce the duration of the main production cycle, many companies are trying to improve intra-production logistics by introducing new technologies and logistics systems. Of decisive importance for production management is the activity of supplying the necessary materials, including logistics operations.
    In this context, it is worth mentioning that at the present stage the basic links between production management and logistics have been concentrated by specialists in a new field that has been defined as logistics management. According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, “Logistics management is an integration function that coordinates and optimizes all logistics activities, as well as integrates logistics activities with other functions, including marketing, sales production, finance and information technology”(Supply Chain Management Definitions and Glossary, 2020).
    We believe that the concept of logistics management best meets all the links between production management and logistics.

    Ключові слова:Production management, logistics, logistics management, transport operations, supply, stocks, “Just in Time” concept, LEAN production

    Бібліографічний список

    Григорьев, М.Н. и Уваров, С.А., 2012. Взаимодействие логистики с операционным (производственным) менеджментом. В: Григорьев М.Н. и Уваров С.А., 2012. Логистика. 3-е изд. Москва: Юрайт.

    Cotelnic, A., 2003. Managementul activității de producție. Chişinău: Evrica.

    Militaru, Gh., 2008. Managementul producției și al operațiunilor. București: All.

    Supply Chain Management Definitions and Glossary, 2020. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). [online] Available at: <https://cscmp.org/CSCMP/Educate/SCM_Definitions_and_Glossary_of_Terms.aspx> (Accessed 10 September 2020).


    ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1-2006
    The interdependence between production management and logistics / I. C. Negru, R. I. Negru // Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Сер. : Економіка. – 2020. – Вип. 20. – С. 25-30.

    Harvard Referencing Style
    Negru, I.C. and Negru, R.I., 2020. The interdependence between production management and logistics. Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Ekonomìka, 20, p. 25-30.

    Категорія: Випуск 20 | Додав: Marina (18.12.2020)
    Переглядів: 427 | Теги: transport operations, Stocks, LEAN production, Production management, “Just in Time” concept, logistics, Supply, logistics management | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
    Всього коментарів: 0

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